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As the coronavirus (COVID-19) news continues to raise tremendous concern now in communities all around the US, I thought I would share some of the actions taken to ensure a safe place to work for our employees and uninterrupted service to our customers.
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Industries require a wide-variety of fuel products and services. But, the team at Lard Oil Company believes you deserve an industrial fuel supplier that gives you even more than that! Discover important aspects to look for while searching for the right industrial oil supplier for your business.
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A common practice for industrial operators is to employ service contracts with maintenance companies or equipment manufacturers to maintain certain items of equipment on site. Some of the most widely used types of service contracts are those that cover compressor systems. A survey of industrial plants with compressors concluded the following:
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We know that water in a lubrication system can be detrimental to oil and equipment life. The below chart tells us that studies have concluded that 500 ppm of water can reduce the life of a bearing by more than half. The most effective way of removing water from oil is by vacuum dehydration. Lard Oil Company offers this technology through FilterIT. Information on FilterIT can be found at
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Through my work with ExxonMobil’s Equipment Builder group, I have partnered with leading equipment builders around the world to ensure that they have tailored maintenance solutions available for their latest product innovations. In the past few years, we have seen a number of trends in equipment technology design that will influence traditional application maintenance practices.
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When it comes to selecting an industrial lubricant for a particular application, one of the key considerations is viscosity. Viscosity can influence lubricant life expectancy, equipment wear rate, energy consumption, fluidity and a range of other factors.
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To understand how greases work you must first understand what components make up a grease. The three primary components of grease are: OIL 80-95% THICKENER 5-20% ADDITIVES 0-10% With oil being the largest component in a grease, the viscosity and type of oil is very important. Just as you pick an oil for an application you should also understand the oil component for a grease application because it is the oil that provides the lubrication needed in an application.
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